I often joke that we are are one generation away from X-Men. All three of my beautiful girls have weird medical issues (consider this Post One of many on this topic). Thankfully none of their issues are life threatening, but they are all of the “invisible illness” variety, and I find myself constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop…
This weekend we had two. One kiddo with a trip to urgent care requiring an unnecessary ER transfer, and one with a ridiculous rash all over her body which turned out to be an allergic reaction to the antibiotic she was taking for Strep Throat.
Of course.
This is par for the course for us. It is exhausting. Mentally and physically. One minute my adrenaline is sky high, and then next I feel like I have been hit by a truck. You have to laugh or you cry.
One of the things that got me through this most recent round of “Melver Medical Madness”
how much I love said fabulous children,
my fabulous husband,
and my tribe of fabulous girlfriends I can text for help, encouragement, or even send pics so they can help me diagnose (you know who you are).
was my new favorite app called Calm. If you don’t have it, you really need to download it. So far I have used the sleep stories and the sleep music the most, but I am excited to try all the features. They have just added a Master Class Workshop Series, and I am looking forward to exploring their meditation exercises as well. You should really check it out!
This is their website: Calm
I cannot recommend it enough. In fact…I am off to use it right now. Still bouncing back and an early bedtime is calling me.
P.S. Heading to yoga tomorrow morning too, and students are back to school tomorrow…so get ready for the MindfulMess to amp it up a notch.